Wednesday, January 21, 2009

on ageism: the unearned privilege of adults

Why is it that my stress is not valid because I am young? An "adult" is not necessarily more intelligent nor even more experienced than a "child." But still, when I voice my pain, it is shot down as if I have no feelings. I'm getting pretty sick of adults eclipsing me. I have a voice, and I have a valid opinion. I can make my own decisions, and I have my very own feelings. The pain that I feel is real, just like yours.

Adults have this fear of everything. I don't know where it comes from. Maybe it's part of becoming adult, like a special coming of age ceremony. In any case, it's there, and it's eating them from the inside. They are so afraid of their past experiences, and so afraid for those who are younger than them. They don't want us to make the same "mistakes" as they did. They don't want us to regret like they do. Some of them are just on a power-trip. They were put down and controlled throughout their whole childhood, so they want to try and control us now. This also means that they don't respect us. If they respected us, then they would trust us to make our own choices and deal with them by ourselves. They would not try to control us, because they would have no need to.

Well, no thank you. I don't want to be controlled.

Adults need to let go of this fear they are harboring in their souls, or else the world is never going to get better. We are going to make mistakes (just like they will continue to do) and we are going to make good choices. In the end, it doesn't matter if it was good or "bad," it matters that it is our own.

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